Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Post

So, this is my first post. I guess I'm supposed to say something genius to attract people to this blog? Nah. That's not what blogs should really be about. There's no point to just making a blog to get millions of people to look at it. I guess I should say something about myself then... Well, I'm paranoid and scared to say too much. Maybe just some junk about my childhood. Well, then. I was bullied up until the third grade when I moved. In fourth grade I took those reading tests and I had a college reading level in the fourth grade. When my mom saw that she didn't let me go into the children's section of the public library. In both 4th and 5th grade I was given offers to go to more advanced schools on my English skills alone. I, of course, didn't make it... my math at the time was horrible.
Well, I guess this ends the first post.